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2006 Brewers Association Style Guidelines
Major Style:
Sub-Style Name:
Light American Wheat Ale or Lager with Yeast
This beer can be made using either ale or lager yeast. It can be brewed with 30 to 75 percent wheat malt, and hop rates may be low to medium. Hop characters may be light to moderate in bitterness, flavor and aroma. Fruity-estery aroma and flavor are typical but at low levels; however, phenolic, clovelike characteristics should not be perceived. Color is usually straw to light Page 29 of 35 1/13/06 amber, and the body should be light to medium in character. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Because this style is served with yeast the character should portray a full yeasty mouthfeel and appear hazy to very cloudy. Yeast flavor and aroma should be low to medium but not overpowering the balance and character of malt and hops.