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2006 Brewers Association Style Guidelines

Major Style:Ale
Sub-Style Name:Belgian-Style Flanders/Oud Bruin or Oud Red Ales
Origin:Belgian and French
Description:This light- to medium-bodied deep copper to brown ale is characterized by a slight to strong lactic sourness and spiciness. A fruity-estery character is apparent with no hop flavor or aroma. Flanders brown ales have low to medium bitterness. Very small quantities of diacetyl are acceptable. Roasted malt character in aroma and flavor is acceptable at low levels. Oak like or woody characters may be pleasantly integrated into overall palate. Chill haze is acceptable at low serving temperatures. Some versions may be more highly carbonated and, when bottle conditioned, may appear cloudy (yeast) when served.
Alcohol By Weight (by Volume):3.8-4.4% (4.8-5.2%)
Colour:12-20 (24-40 EBC)
Original Gravity:1.044-1.056 (11-14 ºPlato)
Final Gravity:1.008-1.016 (2-4 ºPlato)

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