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2006 Brewers Association Style Guidelines

Major Style:Ale
Sub-Style Name:Extra Special Bitter or Strong Bitter

Extra special bitter possesses medium to strong hop aroma, flavor, and bitterness. The residual malt sweetness of this richly flavored, full-bodied bitter is more pronounced than in other bitters. It is light amber to copper colored with medium to medium-high bitterness. Mild carbonation traditionally characterizes draft-cask versions, but in bottled versions, a slight increase in carbon dioxide content is acceptable.

Fruity-ester character is acceptable in aroma and flavor. Diacetyl (butterscotch character) is acceptable and characteristic when at very low levels. The absence of diacetyl is also acceptable. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures. English or American hops may be used.

(English and American hop may be specified in subcategories)

Alcohol By Weight (by Volume):3.8-4.6% (4.8-5.8%)
Colour:8-14 (16-28 EBC)
Original Gravity:1.046-1.060 (11.5-15 ºPlato)
Final Gravity:1.010-1.016 (2.5-4 ºPlato)

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