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InBev (Ukraine)
Head Office: Ukraine
Website: None known at this time
Chernigivske Bagryane
Alcohol Content : 5.00%
Chernigivske is the brand of the Ukrainian national pride, preferred by consumers as a "True Ukrainian Quality" beer. Chernigivske stands for self-confidence and respect, true friendship and cooperation, power and competence.
The brand connects with its consumers using the strongest National Pride Icons: the National Independence Day, the Klitschko brothers, the world's famous Ukrainian boxers, and the National Olympic Team of Ukraine. "Bonding of achievers" is a key value of Chernigivske. Music and sports connection makes the brand values close to consumer's everyday life and widens brand appeal to consumers of different age, gender and lifestyles. The brand's essence is "Krasche Razom!" meaning "Come Together!" in Ukrainian. Chernigivske, a classic lager, is the most popular Ukrainian beer thanks to its innovative character.
Chernigivske Bagryane is a semi-dark red beer in the Chernigivske family.
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